Monday, August 3, 2009

The Captives

by Emma Leslie
available from Amazon
The ancient Britons considered themselves free and noble, scorning the idea of being Roman subjects. But the cruel bondage of the Druid elders was far worse than any the Romans could inflict. While Guntra struggles with a tragic choice, her defiant son meets a Roman soldier in the woods. The Roman, curiously, claimed not to worship the gods of his countrymen, but "the Lord who dwells in heaven, and not in temples of hands." Jugurtha, the Briton lad, was amused to learn that the Roman worshipped the God of the whole earth who "is not cruel like your forest spirits; He is the God of love and kindness." What power could shuch an effeminate god wield? Love was of all things an emotion to be despised and smothered. But the Roman was to show that love and kindness had far more power than the dread of the Druids. It did not take long for such sunshine to melt reserves of hatred and anger. Will Guntra be able to save both her children's lives? Can Jugurtha reconcile his fierce patriotism with his new faith? What would God have him to do, and can he get that past the Roman conquerors?

This story brings Christ and His work to one of my favorite settings. Emma Leslie gives us a touching, fast-paced adventure where the love of Christ is made preeminent.