Sunday, April 29, 2007

Me? Obey Him?

by Elizabeth Rice Handford
Available from John R. Rice and Amazon

This is a discussion of the obedience of the Christian wife. The first chapter explores the reasons God commanded it, and then the book goes on to cover the Scriptures that direct wives to submit, and what they mean. Biblical examples are given, and questions about rights and tyrannical authority are answered. Basically, the author shows that God expects the wife to always obey her husband. She understands that sometimes husbands request or require things contrary to the Word of God, and in that case, disobedience is necessary. However, she says that she has never seen a husband being abusive or insisting that the wife sin when the wife has been in submission with a sweet spirit. Just because she has never seen it, of course, doesn’t mean it doesn’t occur, but she says that usually the spirit of a truly submissive wife will provoke tenderness in her husband. After all, Handford’s audience is not primarily those in arranged marriages, but those who entered marriage voluntarily, as did their husbands. She shows from Biblical directives and examples that no matter the husband’s character, we are to respect and submit to him. If it is not his virtues (as most are sinners), we are at least to honor his position as husband and head of the home. But then on the other hand, this should not be too hard, as most of us at least entered marriage with love for our husbands.

My mother gave me this book a few months before I was married, and I thought it was very helpful. I already wanted to bless and honor my husband, but this book reinforced the Scriptures, and I think it was good for me to remember to keep the right attitude toward the Lord and my husband. I would definitely recommend the book to engaged women, new wives, or wives unsure of their position, or wives who simply want to review what God says about submission to their husbands.

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