Sunday, September 16, 2007

Twelve Youthful Martyrs

by Esther E. Enock
Available from Keepers of the Faith and Amazon

I read this book aloud to my husband in the car, and we both marveled at the constancy which these martyrs held to the Lord Jesus. Most of the characters were under 20, and the sweet simplicity with which they refused to deny their Lord touched our hearts and made us wonder if we would be as faithful. We have the same wonderful Savior, and we may one day be called to suffer for His sake. These held Him precious, and as He had saved them and given them new life, they could not turn from Him, whatever the consequences. Their witness proclaimed that they knew Someone worth more than life, and that their lives would be far richer with Him than on this earth. The eternal glow of their lives and deaths puts so many things of this world into their proper perspectives.

This book was well researched, and the author gives detailed names, places and dates in these short accounts. Each story is just a couple pages, and the whole book only numbers 63 pages. Although this was obviously written for children, adults will also be glad to read the testimonies of these young martyrs who “loved not their lives unto death."

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