Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mr. Pipes Comes to America

by Douglas Bond
Available from Amazon

The third in the Mr. Pipes series can only improve upon the first two. Mr. Pipes travels to New England with Dr. Dudley to see a few historic sites with Drew and Annie before heading to the west coast to spend Christmas with their parents. The humor that amused the readers in the first two books hasn’t disappeared, nor has Dr. Dudley’s disdain for things not British or his overbearing concern for Mr. Pipes’ health. The storyline is just as charming, and children will read it for the mere pleasure of it.

However, the main ideas that are constantly reinforced are Godly behavior, understanding and sharing the Bible, contrasting good hymnody and shallow songs, appropriate music, poetry, great men of faith, and doctrine. Mr. Pipes teaches an excellent course on great Church hymnody effortlessly and very enjoyably to all readers. Highly to be recommended!

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