Monday, January 22, 2007

Dust of the Earth

Dust of the Earth (Light Line) by Donna L. Hess
JT Pace lived in fear that others would discover his humiliating secret. When he was a sensitive young child he wanted to go to school, but a teacher's impatience with his stuttering caused him never to go again. His father taught him to figure, so that he would not be cheated out of wages, and most people assumed that JT could read. It was after he met the Lord that JT realized he needed to read. The Word of God was necessary for him to live, and he prayed that if he couldn't learn to read, that God would take him home, to learn from Him in heaven. The story is about his determination to have a better life than his parents, but it also shows his pain that he must hide his illiteracy from everyone. He finally did learn to read, and the book closes with his words, "Today, this is my desire: to see the Man I've been hearing about for thirty-three years. I've only been reading about Him for nine years, and now I want to see Him."

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