Monday, January 29, 2007

Refuting Evolution 2

Refuting Evolution 2 by Jonathan Sarfati
Jonathan Sarfati wrote this book to specifically refute some of the claims made by Scientific American, and PBS TV. There are three sections corresponding to three claims, and the chapters in the sections are rebuttals of specific arguments.

He is very systematic and logical, as a national chess champion is apt to be. He quotes the claim made for evolution or against creationism, and then step by step refutes it. He also has an appendix listing several arguments that creationists use, that are invalid. If we are going to defend our position, we must get our facts straight!

I enjoyed the book very much. I learned a lot about science and biology, which is usually hard for me to study. Sarfati points out that just because you can demonstrate that micro-evolution occurs, that doesn’t prove macro-evolution. The fact that the fittest animals survive doesn’t prove evolution, either. Before you can “prove” evolution by showing changes within species, you have to know the origins, and that’s what the evolutionists can’t prove. Also, he shows that although species do change, they aren’t gaining any new information. Even though they may be improving, it’s always through a loss of information.

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